3D Mark 11 Advanced - Adalah sebuah software yang bertujuan untuk melakukan test pada performa DirectX 9 Graphic Card yang terpasang pada PC anda. 3D Mark 11 Advanced ini akan mengukur performa 3D gaming PC anda. Eeeeeiiiiittttt...tunggu dulu. Ini dia yang spesial dari software ini. Tidak hanya untuk mengukur dan melakukan test saja, tetapi 3D Mark 11 Advanced ini juga bisa anda gunakan untuk melakukan modifikasi atau upgrade untuk keperluan 3D gaming tentunya. Jadi dengan software ini anda dapat mengukur kemampuan gaming PC anda sekaligus upgrade dan memodifikasi setting internalnya yang tentu saja untuk memeksimalkan kerja Graphic Card dan performa Gaming PC anda.
Ditambah lagi 3D Mark 11 Advanced ini adalah Retail version atau full version
Feature Tests :
- Fill Rate (Single-Texturing) : The size of the texture used is 2x2 in order to decrease bandwidth limitation of the performance. 64 quads cover the screen and are single textured and additively blended.
- Fill Rate (Multi-Texturing) : The size of the texture used is 2x2 in order to decrease bandwidth limitation of the performance. Eight quads cover the screen and each quad has eight textures additively blended.
- Pixel Shader : One of the more complex materials in the graphics tests is the rock face shader. This is separated to a feature test, showing the lighting change on the rough surface.
- Vertex Shader (Simple) : This test does simple transformation and single light lighting on four high polygon sea monster models. Each sea monster has over one million vertices to transform and illuminate, so the total workload is quite substantial.
- Vertex Shader (Complex) : This illuminates, but above all transforms a large number of grass straws. Each straw is skinned and bent separately, more towards the tip of the straw, like real grass straws waving in the wind.
- Shader Particles : This test runs simple particle physics in the pixel shader and then uses the results through vertex texture fetches. The use of graphics hardware for physics computations in games is increasing. Simple physics computations are inherently parallelizable, which allows them to be implemented on graphics hardware fairly effortlessly.
- Perlin Noise : This test computes six octaves of three dimensional Perlin simplex noise using a combination of arithmetic instructions and texture lookups. Perlin noise is a basic building block in many procedural texturing and modeling techniques, which are expected to increase in popularity in future games.
Screenshoot :
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